Bhubaneswar Lease Land Scam: Apartment Comes Up In Land Allotted For Industry

GA Department Objections Openly Flouted. Will Action Follow?

Bhubaneswar:  Of late, it has come to light that a private company has constructed a residential apartment on land allotted by the government for industrial purposes in a bustling area of Bhubaneswar.

It is alleged many BJD leaders and influential persons have patronized the aforesaid company. Now, the million-dollar question is whether the new Mohan Majhi government would take action against the concerned company or sweep the blatant irregularity by the previous BJD government under the carpet.

Bhubaneswar Lease Land Scam Unveiled

On September 21, 2024 the General Administration and Personal Grievances Department in objection wrote letters to the Khordha district Collector, Sub Collector and Tehsildar regarding the aforesaid issue.

The GA Department Under Secretary to Government in his letter No.27912 dated 29.9 2024 to the Khordha Collector, Bhubaneswar Sub-Collector and Tehsildar stated Plot No.309, Khata No.493 an area of 5,000 decimals in the Patia Area was leased out in the favour of Tejpal Singh, proprietor of Allied Industries for industrial purpose.

The lease deed was registered vide RLD NO.9295 dated 17.12 1979 by the Bhubaneswar Tehsildar and the lease was sanctioned for a period of 99 years. Later, Khata-No, 474/5 was prepared by the Tehsildar in the name of Tejpal Singh , proprietor of Patronic Allied Industries in Sthithiban status. Bhubaneswar Lease Land Scam.

GA Department Steps In: Orders for Land Resumption and Legal Action

However, later the GA Department during verification found the Kissam of the plot No. 309/1694 has been converted to Gharbari classification under Sections 8A of OLR Act 1960 as per orders passes in the Case No as per the Case No, 7114 /2022. During field inspection by the GA Department officials, it was found that a multi-storied residential building named ‘URBAN MAJESTIC’ was under construction. Shockingly, the BDA and BMC have accorded permission for construction of residential complex, the GA Department letter mentioned.

Notably, the Clause-4 of the Registered Lease Deed states, “ That upon the breach or non-observance of any of the conditions wherein granted, the lessor may declare that the lease has been determined and the Collector or any officer or person appointed on that behalf by the lessor shall be  entitled to re-enter and take permission of the demised land and of buildings and other structures erected thereon and the materials thereof as well as stores and stocks.”

 The GA Department further suggested that in order to safeguard government interests the Bhubaneswar Tehsildar may be asked to correct the ROR in ‘Pattadar’ status by deleting ‘Sthithiban’. Besides, the Tehsildar may be asked to file appeal before the appeal before the appropriate authority to challenged the orders in the case to No.7114/2022 for arbitrary and illegal conversion of kissam of the case  under Sections 8(4) of the OLR Act 1960.

The Khordha Collector should take immediate action for resumption of the land under section 3B of the OGLS Act ,1962 following due process of law. Further  the BDA and BMC should  be informed to review the plan approval  and take steps immediate necessary steps to stop the construction work, the GA Department letter mentioned.

Fears for Homebuyers: Land Scam Could Spell Trouble for Buyers of ‘Urban Majestic’

However, in the meantime the GA Department instructions have not stopped the company from carrying out constructions on the aforesaid land. This has led to apprehensions that the innocent home buyers who are going to purchase houses in this controversial apartment are going to face a tough time ahead.


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Bhubaneswar Land Scamland scamUrban Majestic