Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for the Rayagada Railway Division Building of the East Coast Railway on Monday via video conferencing from Jammu. The event marked a significant step forward for Odisha’s railway infrastructure development. Dignitaries including Odisha Governor Dr. K Hari Babu, Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi, MPs, and MLAs attended the ceremony held at Rayagada.
A Landmark Project Worth Rs. 107 Crores
The project, valued at Rs. 107 crores, is set to transform rail operations in south Odisha. The proposed infrastructure will house:
- The Headquarters of the Rayagada Railway Division
- A Modern DRM Office Building
- A State-of-the-Art Divisional Control Office
These facilities are designed to ensure efficient train operations and enhanced passenger services while incorporating modern technologies to meet operational demands.
Driving Economic Development in Odisha’s Tribal Belt
The establishment of the Rayagada Railway Division is expected to significantly boost the economic prospects of the tribal-dominated region in south Odisha. By improving rail connectivity and fostering stronger ties with local industries, the project will:
- Enhance Regional Trade
- Facilitate Faster Goods Movement
- Create Employment Opportunities
This development is particularly critical for promoting the socio-economic upliftment of the region.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Infrastructure
The Rayagada Railway Division Building will incorporate environmentally responsible features, including a rainwater harvesting system to promote sustainable water management. These green initiatives underline the government’s commitment to environmental conservation while advancing infrastructural growth.
Key Benefits
- Better Connectivity: Enhanced rail links within Odisha and neighboring states.
- Passenger Comfort: Improved services and operational efficiency.
- Industrial Growth: Easier movement of goods, benefiting local industries.
- Job Creation: Significant employment generation for the local population.
- Sustainability: Eco-friendly measures to reduce environmental impact.
A Vision for Growth and Progress
The Rayagada Railway Division project aligns with PM Modi’s vision of infrastructural growth as a catalyst for economic development. This initiative not only strengthens Odisha’s railway network but also empowers the tribal belt with better opportunities for growth and connectivity.