Bhubaneswar, (Odisha Connect): Media in Odisha can be identified with political parties. If you see any advertisements from the central government that feature Modiji’s photo, rest assured that they are directly or indirectly associated with the ruling party, i.e., BJP. And, if you come across any advertisements with green colour and Naveen’s image, it is a clear indication of their association with the ruling party of the state, i.e., BJD.

The government controls the state’s media market, leading media outlets to cosy up to those in power. Ad policies are not strictly enforced, and media outlets that go against the ruling party’s ideology lose ad orders. Advertisements and government campaigns serve only to promote the ruling party’s ideology.
Two reputed newspapers and two TV channels in the state are now suffering from this hidden policy of the Govt. For the last few days, one can observe this while checking the front pages of their products. The Sambad, which has multiple editions and is considered one of the influential newspapers in the state has been stopped from getting any advertisement from the state govt. Same for the TV wing of Sambad House.
As this newspaper has criticized the 5T concept of the Govt and published many stories blaming the system as unconstitutional, it has stopped advertisements in this newspaper. A similar equation also has been adopted by the Govt for OTV. BJP leader Baijayant Panda’s Family promotes this TV news channel. For the last five years, this TV Channel has been suffering from this policy of the Govt.

Not only BJD, but BJP also has adopted the same theory to control the media organization. As it is in power at the Union Govt, it is also controlling the DAVP not to release advertisements to the newspapers of media organizations, who are not following their principles. For this, one of the highest circulating and oldest newspapers of the state Samaja is suffering from Central Govt campaigns.
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