Works Dept Only Cares for VVIPS Not Citizens !

Unscientific permanent barricades in BBSR were questioned. Poor-quality roads may tarnish city’s image during NRI meet.


Bhubaneswar: Of late, the Odisha Works Department has installed permanent barricades of five feet height on the stretch from the Biju Patnaik Internation Airport to the AG Square, AG Square to Raj Bhavan Square, Raj Bhavan Square to Kalinga Stadium Square on the grounds that it would aid in VVIP movement and cut the department’s costs incurred due to frequent temporary barricading during VVIP visits to the State.

Bhubaneswar Roadside barricades

Public Concerns on Safety and Convenience

But the move has triggered deep discontentment among the city residents who have blamed the department’s ‘unscientific practice’ for making if difficult for them to see the vehicles coming from the side lanes of the main roads, increasing the possibility of accidents. They have also questioned whether the department has followed the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for installation of permanent barricades in Bhubaneswar.

Besides, the tall steel barricades have shrunk the open space for commuters. The accused the Works Department for being more concerned about the VVIPs comfort then the citizens welfare and convenience.

Earlier, during the tenure of the BJD government, during the VVIP visits to the State capital Bhubaneswar, temporary barricades were constructed with bamboos which were dismantled after VVIPs visit concluded. The erection work of the barricades was awarded to private parties or contractors for which a large amount of money was spent. But with permanent barricades, it is one-time investment for the department.

Allegations of Cost Mismanagement

However, while the Works Department is claiming to cut costs by putting up permanent barricades, crores of rupees is being misutlised in the guise of repairing and beautification of the city roads during VVIP visits, neither the road quality is tested as per the guidelines, nor quality materials are being used. So, after a few days, the cold bitumen patches are coming off and the resultant potholes which resemble craters on the roads are again giving nightmares to the motorists.

Roadside barricades for VVIP

Neglect of Sub-Roads

Besides, the department is only giving priority to some main roads while majority of the sub roads under Division I, II, III. IV and V are virtually in a deplorable condition making it tough and hazardous for the commuter in negotiating them.

Criticism of Oversight and Accountability


Notably, for improving the road conditions, the Roads Division was bifurcated to Road I and Road II. The Road I which is led by Chief Engineer Road-I, is responsible for construction and maintenance of the roads in Bhubaneswar. But unfortunately, he never inspects the work sites or monitors the quality of the roads due to which the divisional engineers and contractors are neither maintaining quality or using good materials in the works. This has put a question mark on the beautification drive being carried out for the prestigious NRI conference in the State capital in January 2025.

Roadside barricades

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