TATA Power violates the rule and harasses local MSME units


Tata Power’s discriminatory policies are causing significant harm to entrepreneurs in Odisha engaged in the electrical infrastructure, contracting, and manufacturing sectors.

Electrical contractor

TATA Power has assumed control of the four DISCOMS in Odisha, which has left many experts puzzled as this move could result in a monopolistic entity. This handling of power distribution responsibility by a single entity violates the established policy guidelines of the India Electricity Act, 2003.

Violation of OPWD Code by Tata Power and allowing outside bidders who don’t have valid ELBO license to Participate in tender. TATA power Ignores and harasses Local MSME Units providing privilege to out of State Suppliers.

The Indian Electricity Act of 2003 states that it aims to consolidate laws regarding competition in the energy distribution industry in order to protect consumers. However, in Odisha, the decision to give TATA Power the responsibility of power distribution has eliminated competition.

Tata Power‘s acquisition of four DISCOMS has caused harm to the local economy and the livelihood of the people. The company has engaged out-of-state agencies and workers to manage day-to-day activities. It leads to the elimination of local contractors and their workers, who previously relied on these activities for their livelihood.


  • Revision of Estimate rate as per technical Specification and Market Price.
  • 6% Price escalation per annum over cost data of 2018-19  in all items.
  • Estimates should include a 15% contractor margin.
  • Separate tender for Civil and Electrical Internal installation work.
  • Revision of Schedule rate for Electricals internal installation work.

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